Sunday, March 23, 2008

about the Pretty Princess

This is a story that my husband, Brian, is writing for me. It came about because in all of the games my four year old son and I played, he never would let me be the princess. (I always had to be the dragon) So, Brian took the experiences from our years working at Cedar Point, where we first met, and created a story where I get to be the princess.

The characters in the story are based on actual people we knew and worked with. If you happen to have been one of those people, and have stumbled upon this site, please take the caricatures with the sense of humor that they were created.

This story is probably only meaningful to me and Brian, and maybe other people that we worked with, but if you're familiar with Cedar Point at all, you'll be able to catch references to the rides and things. Actually, I don't really care if anyone else likes it, I love it, and thought it was too good to remain hidden. So thanks for humoring me!