“For the sake of the story I will take over the narrative. I am Brian, I have been trapped in this spell for who knows how long. I had a brief respite when that foul temptress tried to lead me astray. I thought the torture would never end when she appeared like an Angel in front of me.”
“Banishido.’ She yelled, pointing at the demons that were torturing me. Instantly the demons disappeared. I collapsed on the ground. She ran up to me trying to help.
“I have failed you Princess.”
“No you haven’t.”
“Yes, I have. I set out to free you and now you are trapped here with me.”
“I only wanted to rescue you brave knight, but I was tricked by Suella.”
“You must be a powerful sorceress if you can banish the demons.”
“I am not sure where I learned magic, but recently the right words have popped into my head. I think it has to do with need. I think we need a miracle now though.”
“We have a miracle, you are here with me.” I said.
“You are too sweet.”
She gazed into my eyes, and I gazed into hers. I could feel a tension building between us. Her head lowered closer to mine, my head raised closer to hers. Our mouths were inches apart. She started to say something, but I pressed my lips to hers. We kissed deeply and passionately, it seemed like we kissed forever. Rockets flared in my mind, every hair on my body stood up.
“Wow!” She said.
Words wouldn’t come out of mouth, it was so intense. She got a little insecure as I retreated. I couldn’t believe that the Pretty Princess just kissed me. I saw a lifetime with her during that kiss. My knees buckled a little, but she thought it was from the torture.
“That was incredible.” I finally managed.
“I thought you didn’t like it.”
“I saw our future together.”
“I know, wasn’t it intense?”
“You are not afraid?”
“No, I think we were always meant to be.”
“But only the noble knight can marry the pretty princess.”
‘Only the pretty princess can marry the noble knight.”
“I am not a knight, and I am definitely not noble.”
“Yes you are. You have dedicated your life to finding and protecting me.”
“But I was captured.’
“I freed you, and together we can accomplish anything.”
“I….” She grabbed my head a crushed her lips to mine. Our mouths parted and we had an intense, passionate kiss.
“Ok, now that is out of the way, how do we break this spell?” She asked.
“I assume we have to defeat something, we always have to defeat something, or find something.” I replied.
“Maybe we have to sleep with something?” Rimmie offered.
“Or maybe we have to break something.” Jason added.
“Kellie this is Rimmie, he was trapped here with me as we looked for you. Jason, I am glad you escaped the Raptor. Where is Mat?”
“He, well, he, it is a long story, but he seemed pretty happy the last time I saw him.”
“I am glad he is still alive.”
“Alive and multiplying.”
“Never mind.”
“Anybody got a good suggestion?” I asked.
“You could try looking behind you.” A voice screeched.
As we turned around we saw Ellen and her bird Marcia standing there.
“The only way you get out of here is through us. But that is not going to happen.” She cackled.
Then she disappeared.
“You have to find us first.”
“Well, how do we find them, and who should we find first?” I asked.
“I’ve been thinking a lot about this spell.” Kellie said.
“Okay, what about it?”
“Well according to Amy the spell locks the person in their own mind.”
“Are each of us in our own minds or are we all in my mind?”
“That should be pretty easy to determine. Rimmie while you were being tortured what did the demons wear?”
“Nothing, they beat me in the nude.”
“Brian what did they wear?” Kellie asked.
“Loincloths.” I replied.
“I think each of us trapped in our own minds, but my spell allows us to share a common area.”
“I get it, as long as we stay together we are in the same area, but if one of us thinks of something else we will no longer be with the rest.”
“Something like that.”
“Well, we should all focus on finding Marcia Everycolor the raptor. Everybody think about it, really concentrate.”
The world around us started to get fuzzy and blur. In a short time the world snapped back into focus, we were all together, but Rimmie was in some kind of strange slingshot underwear costume.
“Rimmie what happened?” I asked.
“Well, I figured if I was in my mind I could try some different outfits.”
“Please put on some more clothes, it is very….disturbing.”
“No stay like that, I like it.” Marcia said. “I don’t know how you found me, but I will destroy most of you. Him, I like, he has great taste in outfits.”
Kellie stood still concentrating on a spell that could help us. Jason ran at Marcia and was knocked away. He ran again, and she knocked him again, this time knocking him unconscious. Rimmie started to run at the bird. The raptor watched him intently, her head bouncing up and down. I started to search my pockets looking for anything that could help.
“I thought you forgot about me.” The iron dragon said.
“No, just stymied for a while. Do you think you could help if I let you go.”
“Let me go and we will find out.”
With reservation I loosened the lid. The little dragon flew out like a shot. He circled up and away, I thought he was going to fly away, but he then tucked his wings back and dropped like a rock at Marcia. As he dropped closer he got smaller and smaller. He eventually became so small I couldn’t even see him. Time passed slowly, but he should have reached her by now. Suddenly a loud popping noise was heard, and where the raptor stood was a large Iron Dragon.
“Is she dead?” I asked.
“Definitely.” The dragon replied.
“I thought you were going to leave us here.”
“I thought about it, but I figured if all of your minds are trapped then so is mine. Then I thought if Rimmie can control reality so can I. I made myself small enough to fly into her head, and then big enough to fill it.”
“You did an awesome job.” I said.
“I have bad news though.” Kellie said as tears filled her eyes.
“What is the matter?”
“Jason wasn’t knocked out, she killed him with that last blow.”
We all lowered our heads in silence. Jason was a great friend, and an even greater hero. He had done so much for Kellie and I, he would be missed dearly. We all focused our minds on creating a great tomb for him. Once it had appeared the Iron Dragon flew up to the top of it. He bent his head down and began to speak to us.
“I will stay here and protect him from all intruders.”
“But don’t you want to get out of here?” I asked.
“What good is a five inch tall dragon in the real world. Here I can make myself any size I want, and I can have an honorable life.”
“You are a hero Dragon.”
“No kid, but I am trying. Remember as you face Ellen she can mold reality here too.”
“Thank you, for everything.” Kellie said as she kissed the dragon on his cheek.
“Okay, we need to focus on finding Ellen.” I said.
“No we need a plan first.” Kellie said.
“No, we need action.” I said.
“No we need a plan first.”
“You both are right, and I think I know what to do.” Rimmie said.
Rimmie proceeded to tell us his idea. He gave us every detail, and we added our ideas as well.
“Time for action.” Rimmie said.
“We can do this.” I added.
“For freedom.” Kellie said.
We all focused our thoughts on Ellen. The world around us started to blur. After several moments reality snapped back. Ellen stood before us. Rimmie could be seen, while Kellie and I formed behind some obstacles that blocked Ellen’s sight. Rimmie stood before Ellen in an even skimpier version of the slingshot underwear. It barely contained him, and she became very distracted by him.
“I knew I could find you.” Rimmie said.
“What do you mean?” She asked.
“I figured out we could control things, so I snuck off. I have never been a fighter, now a lover….”
“I will destroy you.”
“Hopefully not before we can have some fun.”
“What do you mean?”
Rimmie jumped up and down a couple of times, as Ellen’s eyes almost bounced out of her head.
“I think you know what I mean.”
“But I never have, I mean no one has ever…”
“You mean you never have?” He asked.
“No.” She replied.
“Well, I can definitely fix that.”
Rimmie poured the charm on, and Ellen’s close fell off. They spent a long time together. And again, and again. A couple hours later.
“I need to rest.” Rimmie said.
“Just one more time.” Ellen pleaded.
“I am only human, and I think we have plenty of time.”
“Until your friends show up, and I have to destroy you and them.”
“Why do you have to destroy anybody?”
“Because Suella commands me to.”
“Do you have to follow her?”
“Why don’t you just set my friends free, and then we can spend a lot of time here together, I have this little book of pictures we could try.”
“What book?”
“It is called the Kama Rimmie, it shows positions I have tried, and also created. In this world we could make any position work. Until my friends show up.”
“What friends?”
The air around Kellie and me started to shimmer. The world was very disorientating, the ground became squishy and unstable. I reached out and took Kellie into my arms. The world then snapped back with a loud boom. We were standing on the rampart of Suella’s castle where she had captured me.
“We need to go, I am sure that Boom will bring attention.” I said.
“Teleportia saficius.” Kellie uttered.
We blinked out from the rampart into a large room full of noise and trolls.
“We are in the commiscary!” Kellie said.
“Did you teleport us?” I asked.
“I must have.”
“You said some strange words, and we appeared here, not that I know where here is.”
“We are in the commiscary, the basement of Suella’s castle.”
“What do we do now?”
“We have to come up with a plan.”
At that moment a glass ball came bouncing toward us. The clink of glass drawing us in as we waited for it to burst. With a final thump just a foot away the ball exploded into millions of pieces, and a cloud of smoke rose from it. Standing in the middle of the cloud was a tall man in robes.
“I am the all powerful Randy Warlock.” He said.
“What?” We both asked at the same time.
“I am the great Randy Warlock. I am a very powerful wizard, and I have been chasing you both for awhile now. There are some things you just don’t understand.”
“Like the whole Rimmie and Ellen thing?” I asked.
“No, that was just bad judgement.” He replied.
“Never mind, I am trying to forget that whole scene.” Kellie said.
“I am here to help you guys with your confrontation with Suella. But you need to know the significance of it all.”
“Of course we do, and I am sure we need a side story to explain it.” I said.
“A side story will do nicely.” He replied.
“But first I will get us to safety, teleportia saficius.” He bellowed.
We blinked out of the commiscary into a large den full of books.
“Excuse the dust, my maid is on strike.” He said.
“I didn’t notice.” I lied.
“Well now the story…You see time is cyclical.”
“Like a wheel?” I asked.
“No, that is another story. “
“Like a clock pendulum?” Kellie asked.
“NO! That is another story as well.”
“Like a splash of water in the middle of a lake whose ripples cause”
“NO, NO, NO. It is cyclical. Things tend to repeat themselves. That is why once a generation a Princess and a Knight are born. These two are fated to join together, to become one. Together they will conquer the worst evil facing the land. Sometimes they manage to pull it off sometimes not so much. In the last generation Suella was able to recruit Ellen to help her destroy the Princess, and the knight just wasn’t strong enough to defeat her by himself. Suella has grown in power since then. She has become stronger and more diabolical. Only the two of you joined together can defeat her.”
“How?” I asked.
“I have no idea, I thought you guys would know.”
“You used the term join together a couple of itmes, maybe we have to join together like Ellen and Rimmie did.” I offered.
“That was disgusting.” Kellie said.
“But it looked like fun.” I offered.
“I could never do that…” Kellie started
“Without being married.” I finished.
“So why don’t we get married?” I asked.
“But it is too soon.”
“I love you Kellie, I have always loved you.”
“I love you too, but is that enough.”
“It is for me. I don’t know if I can live up to everything you want, or if I can be in your life without ever hurting you, but I know I can love you forever. Will you be my queen?”
“I don’t know.”
“This is awkward.” Randy added.
“I know we are meant to be together.” I added.
“Yes. I will marry you.”
“Now what do we do?” I asked.
“Good news, I happen to be a priest as well as a wizard.”
“Okay.” We both said.
“Okay, dearly so and so, we are whatever do you?” Randy looked at me.
“Yes! Most definitely I do.” I said.
“And do you?” Randy asked looking at Kellie.
“Yes! Most definitely I do.” Kellie said.
“Then you are. You may kiss now.”
I kissed Kellie very tenderly at first. Tears welled up in both of our eyes. The kiss got more passionate. A burning and yearning welling up….
“Excuse me.” Randy interrupted.
“Excuse Me.” Randy clarified.
“EXCUSE ME!” Randy Shouted.
The kiss was broken the passion burned but was quenched for now.
“I forgot one thing.” He said.
“What is it?” I asked.
“Well for one of MY ceremonies to be complete you two must exchange rings. Do you have the rings?” Randy asked.
“We don’t have any rings.” I replied.
“Well, I can help.” He said.
“How much?” I asked.
“You hurt me. I am not looking to sell you anything, I am here to help. I have information that can help you. In the past the Princess and the Knight had a complimentary pair of rings. His was an emerald set in yellow gold, hers was an alexandrite set in white gold. It was said that these rings had very special magic. They have been hidden from Suella, but can only be found by the chosen couple.”
“What hideous monster protects it?”
“No monster protects it.”
“How powerful is the wizard?”
“No wizard.”
“C’mon level with me, what is the catch?”
“The portal to the rings is through this closet. There is a small challenge each of you has to face but only if you are the chosen ones.”
“But I thought we are the pretty princess and the noble knight.” Kellie said.
“You are, but you may not be the chosen generation.” He replied.
“If we are not the chosen generation what will happen.”
“Well what.”
“You will be trapped in the void forever, wandering around aimlessly, forever apart.”
“Oh.” We both replied.
“Can’t we just pick up a couple of rings somewhere else?” I asked.
“No you must get these rings, they are your only hope in defeating Suella.” Randy said.
Kellie looked at me with a very hurt expression.
“Don’t you think I am worth possible death?” She said with a pout.
“Yes, but I just found you, and we were just married, and I can’t bear the thought of losing you forever.” I replied.
We started to kiss deeply again, the flames flaring up. Warmth started to fill my body.
“Excuse me.” Randy interrupted.
“Excuse Me.” Randy clarified.
“EXCUSE ME!” Randy Shouted.
The kiss was broken the passion burned but was quenched for now.
“So are you guys going to look for them or not?”
“We will.” We both answered.
As we approached the door Randy opened it and a lot of junk fell out.
“Oops wrong direction.” He said.
He closed the door and opened it in the other direction. Before us was a great purple grey swirling cloud.
“Just step inside.”
“Hold my hand tightly Kellie.” I said.
We held hands tightly, and closed our eyes as we stepped forward. The world seemed to shake up and down, and then abruptly it stopped. We opened our eyes to see a majestic Griffin standing in front of us.
“I though he said no monsters.” I said.
“I am not a monster, I am the guardian.” The Griffin said.
“I am sorry, but it has been challenging lately.” I offered.
“Who are you?” Kellie asked.
“I am the mythical creature.” The griffin said.
“A griffin.” I offered.
“No, I am all of them.”
As the griffin said this it changed shape into a unicorn.
“People call me Bethany, I take on the shape of any mythical creature.”
As Bethany shifted from unicorn into a bare breasted mermaid. I turned away blushing.
“Do you not like this form?” She asked.
“No he doesn’t.” Kellie said defensively.
She shifted from a mermaid into a bare breasted centaur.
“How about this one?”
“He doesn’t like anything that shows so much.”
Bethany shifted from a centaur into a Chinese dragon.
“I don’t understand you humans and your dislike of natural forms.”
“We are looking for the rings, the wizard Randy sent us.”
“Really, how is he?”
“Nice but a little strange.”
“I know isn’t it sweet?”
“I guess.”
“About the rings, I can help you but you must answer my riddle.”
“Because that is how these things are done.”
She shifted into the form of a sphinx.
“Riddle number one…If a horse is not real nor is it quite wood what might be found?”
“That is a goofy question.” I said.
“Bone.” Kellie answered.
“Correct, it is said that a famous carver once did his wife in and hid her bones inside a wooden horse. Riddle number two: When does red mean go, green mean with caution, and yellow mean stop?”
“I don’t get it.” Kellie said.
“That makes it safe.” I replied.
“The answer to your question is when looking for a date.”
“I still don’t get it.” Kellie said.
“But you will.” I replied
“Riddle number three…” Bethany started.
“The answer is 23.” I said.
“How did you know?” She asked.
“The answer is always 23, you know some conspiracy thing about numbers and such.”
“Riddle number four…”
“WHAT!!!!!!!!!?” Kellie and I blurted.
She shifted into a cat woman covered in fur.
“Just kidding, you guys need to get a sense of humor.” Bethany said.
“If you knew what we have been through.” I replied.
“If you knew what you are headed for.” She said.
“What?” I asked.
“Never mind, you guys have passed the test the rings are yours.”
She stepped forward holding a box. As she opened the box two rings sat inside. We took the box from Bethany.
“How do we get out of here?” I asked.
“You had the power to leave all of the time, just click your heels together three times while saying there is no place like home.”
“Your joking, right?”
“Of course, just turn around and open the door. Also give Randy a big kiss from me.”
“I don’t think so.”
“At least tell him I said hi.”
“Thank you Bethany.” Kellie said.
We turned around and opened the door. We stepped out into the dusty study. Randy stood there anxiously.
“Did you find them?” He asked.
“We held up the box.
“Great each of you take the others ring. Now one at a time place them on the others left hand, and repeat forever.”
I took the alexandrite and placed it on Kellie’s left hand saying “Forever.”
Kellie took the emerald and placed it on my left hand saying “Forever.”
“You guys are. But no kissing this time.”
As we stood there the sky started to go black.
“It has begun.” Randy said.
“What has begun?” We asked.
“Suella is starting to cast the spell that will lock this world under her power. Today is the last day that she can be stopped, and if she isn’t in just a few hours she will reign over us all for a thousand generations.”
“What do we do.”
“I can’t help you anymore, but you need to stop her.”
“We can help you though.” Kellie said.
“How?” Randy asked.
“Open the closet door and tell me what you see.”
“I see a swirling mess…..Ahhhhhhh.”
Kellie had pushed him into the closet. As she was shutting the door we heard two voices say “ Thank you, we could not do it ourselves.”
“Lets get to this castle and beat Suella.” Kellie said.
“Don’t you want to plan?” I asked.
“It is time for action. Teleportia Suella.” She said.
The world fuzzed out and then with a bang we appeared in the same room as Suella.
“I’ve been expecting you. Zortium.” She cackled.
A group of lightning bolts shot out from her fingers knocking us apart. She focused the lightning on me for a while, then turned to Kellie.
“I am not going to bore you two, I am going to kill you and then take those rings. They are the last component I need to complete the spell.”
Suella turned and attacked me again. This time she levitated me into the wall after a few strikes I was barely holding onto consciousness. She then turned her attention to Kellie. She levitated Kellie and crashed her into the same wall she had used on me. She crashed her again and again. Kellie crumpled to the floor next to me. I thought she might be dead but I saw her chest rise and fall as she took a labored breath.
“Now I will finish you, and I know just the right spell, I have wanted to use this one for a long time. It will turn you into two piles of ash.”
“Wait, let me kiss her first.” I pleaded.
“Make it quick.”
I crawled over to her. I took her hand into mine, it broke my heart to see her in pain. I brushed her hair back and kissed her gently on the lips. The warmth sprang into my body like water crashing through a dam. The warmth built and my emerald started to glow. Kellie’s eyes sprang open. She kissed back, her alexandrite glowing as well.
“Get a room.” Suella cackled.
Our kisses got deeper and more intense. Passion built as we both stood up. I placed my left hand out in front of me, Kellie placed her left hand on top of mine, and as our ring touched a brilliant beam shot out. It struck Suella right in the heart. The beam stayed on her for several minutes as she fell to her knees, crying.
“I am a bad person, I have caused so much misery.” She sobbed.
She stood up and tried to cast a spell to get away, but nothing happened.
“What have you done to me, I don’t have any magic and I feel bad for all of the things I have done.”
“Love has entered your body and where there is love, evil can not be.” Kellie said.
“You will get to spend the rest of your life as a normal person. I hope that people show you the mercy and pity that you never showed.” I added.
With that Suella ran away crying.
“Love can conquer all.” I said.
“Yes, it can.” Kellie added.
“What do we do now?” Kellie asked.
I whispered in her ear and she started to blush. We walked away hand in hand looking for a quiet place.
The End!
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